Throughout the year, the Powdermill Avian Research Center (PARC) will offer public events that allow visitors to increase their knowledge and appreciation of birds and in some cases to observe PARC staff as they conduct their research.
During Spring and Fall migration, we will offer FREE behind-the-scenes Open Houses and Free Guided Tours for people to see up-close how researchers safely capture and band birds, and learn about the data they gather. Visitors also are able to visit PARC’s flight tunnel and hear about how we’re studying avian perception of glass to provide glass manufacturers and building designers with important information that will help reduce bird-window collisions.
Check this page often or follow us on Facebook to learn more about upcoming events. Events will also be posted on the website of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. An email is required for registration since all of these events are outdoors (weather-dependent) and may be cancelled at any time.
Masks are available on-site if you request one. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms, or have been exposed to COVID-19, we invite you to explore our virtual offerings.